
OpenGL Renderer

OpenGL Renderer; Allows for Model loading, Lighting, Diffuse, Specular, Normals, and more!



  • OpenGL Graphics Pipeline
  •    OpenGL is a state machine, populating data within the correct order is important, it's not the easiest to grasp either. I learned to created and fill buffers, and then I would be able to swap between data within the loop by rebinding their data.

  • Writing a renderer.
  •    Writing a renderer is unlike typical software, there seems to be "black boxes" of memory that I am unsure what are where they are, this causes some issues in the learning proccess, I overcame this issue by delicatly working through each problem.

  • Model Loading
  •    Model Loading is still a mystery to me, I used ASSIMP to load and parse and obj file, I however still don't know much of what is going on.

    Hello Triangle

    This is the Hello World of graphics programming! (Rectangle as well, utilzing Indicies and Element Buffer Objects). Whilst I am still learning and trying to understand, these two are still a relative achievement, I ustilize the vertex points to draw a triangle, for the rectangle I use indicies to tell it what order so I make 50% less draw calls.

    ... ...

    3D Cube

    Taking my rectangle/square to the next level by giving it some dimension! Allowing this to happen is many positions of verticies and a prespective based camera utilizing math I have yet to be able to explain!


    Lights and Materials

    Creating Lights were very difficault, Materials is about the same as lights. All difficaulty ramps up quickly and dramatically. I understand what is going on, but haven't gone much farther yet.
