
Unreal Engine 5 Work

This section may seem underdeveloped, but it is just a page of my projects and accomplishments I have made with Unreal Engine 5. Some of these projects use Blueprints, whilst others use Blueprints and C++.

Battery Collector

Battery Collector is a project I made using a tutorial, utilizing C++ and Blueprints. I built upon the character class to allow interaction between pickupable objects as well as instantiating effects.


Melee Combat System

Created using the Wukong Paragon model, free on the Unreal Marketplace, and linking the abilities and effects using C++ and Blueprints, I set up the main logic and backend in C++ and created extentions to Blueprints for easy access to change and modify. This was the first ever project I had worked on in Unreal Engine, and the result is pretty clean!



Shaders were created in the Unreal Shader Graph. I set up a pixelated shader, toon/cel shader, and used my cel shader and adapted it to metallic objects. I learned how shaders interact and work within the Engine. Although not very experienced with shaders, I have a very nice result that I am happy with.

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